

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Watermelon Mocktail / Cocktail

Watermelon Mocktail / Cocktail

This super refreshing drink is very nutritious, and what I also like very hydrating. I have it in my refrigerator all summer long, usually in a big glass bottle, so the kids can easily reach it.

So, I was so happy, when this week my friends came to visit me after my surgery, and they brought a big pitcher with my favorite cocktail /mocktail. We sat outside, the weather was great and the drink was perfect. Even more special, since we couldn’t see each other for so long, because of the quarantine . That is exactly what I needed.

I thought I am going to share it with you, because it would be so nice to serve it tomorrow for Memorial Day, for your picnic or gathering. I hope you will enjoy it!

Ingredients :

  • watermelon, limes, sparkling water (you can use vodka if you would like to drink it as cocktail) mint. Blend watermelon, add sparkling water (also regular water will work), add juice from lime, additional lime slices for the pitcher, add mint leaves.

Note: I used 1/2 a medium size watermelon, I poured it in a pitcher, added juice from 1 lime and slices from 1 lime, filled it with water and ice and I dropped few mint leaves.

Cheers !!!

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