

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Watermelon Feta Salad

Watermelon Feta Salad

I can’t get enough of this refreshing salad . As soon as I spot a good watermelon in the market , I can’t wait to get home and make this recipe.

It takes just few minutes to make and it looks so pretty too. Watermelons are mostly water - about 92 percent, but also they are soaked with nutrients. This excellent fruit is fat - free, low in sodium and high in vitamins like A, B6, and C. It has significant levels of lycopene, a nutrient that reacts wit human body triggering healthy reactions.

Watermelon seeds are also wonderfully nutritious. They are high in protein, magnesium, vitamin B and good fats.

There is so many health benefits that watermelon offers, that I try to find different ways to eat this wonderful fruit all summer.

If you’ve never tried watermelon in a savory setting you have to make this recipe, and its just perfect for an upcoming Memorial Day. The colors of this salad are going to emphasize importance of this holiday.


  • watermelon

  • spinach

  • blueberries

  • feta cheese

  • oregano

  • honey

  • walnuts (optional)

* Start with spinach and layer all ingredients on a large platter. Sprinkle with feta and oregano and drizzle with honey. I love adding walnuts, but if I have company I serve them in a little dish , as an optional topping.

I really hope you will love the salad as much as I do!

Note: And ladies, watermelon does miracles to or skin!

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