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Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup


Great choice for people on low calorie diet or mamas to - be

For most of us butternut squash soup means fall. I used to make that soup only on chilly, rainy days in the fall or winter, until couple of years ago, when I walked into the market and I found fresh, organic, pre-cut butternut squash. Growing up in a household where my parents only cooked what was in season, now that’s how I like to shop - go to the market and see what’s fresh and in season.

I hesitated for a minute, because I thought my family probably wouldn’t be very excited to have butternut squash soup in the middle of the summer, but I decided to do it anyway.

Ever since then, I cook that soup probably once a week and I’ve tried lot of many different versions and methods to prepare it. This recipe is simply one of the best and you can change the spices according to your preference. This recipe has evolved to become vegan over the years, but if you prefer you can substitute coconut milk with heavy cream, and vegetable broth with chicken or bone broth.

Butternut squash is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. It is low in calories, but loaded with important nutrients. Aside from vitamins and minerals, it’s also a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus and copper. It’s rich in carotenoids, which your body converts into active forms of vitamin A, which is so essential for regulating cell growth, eye health, bone health and immunity functions. It is a VERY important vitamin for a developing fetal growth, so this soup should be the best friend for all the mamas-to-be!

The butternut squash benefits list is so long, I could probably write a whole post about it, but the important information that I would like you take away from today’s post is that butternut squash should become a superstar in your weekly family menus.

This recipe is made with Insta-Pot, but if you don’t have one (which I recommend getting, you’ll be thanking me ) you can roast the vegetables in the oven at 385F for about 45 min (roast them until they get soft, but don’t allow them to get brown).

Ingredients :

2 pounds of butternut squash (chopped)

4 large carrots ( cut into 1 inch pieces )

3 stalks of celery leaves included ( chopped )

1 large onion ( chopped )

1 large apple ( I used Granny Smith, but any would be fine ) with skin and chopped

1 32 oz container of organic vegetable broth

2 cups coconut milk

2 Tbl olive oil

2 tsp salt

1/2 pepper

1 tsp cumin

2 tsp curry

1/4 paprika

I recommend adding all spices except salt after vegetables are cooked so you can adjust the amount to your taste.



  • In a pot or Insta- Pot set to sauté mode, heat olive oil for 30 seconds and add onions and cook them for about 1 min, stirring to make sure it won’t get overheated and starts to brown.

  • Add carrots, apple, butternut squash, celery and salt and sauté for about 2 min, again stirring and not allowing vegetables to brown.

  • Turn the sautee mode off and add vegetable broth, stirring well to make sure the broth gets to the bottom of the pan.

  • Cover the Insta-Pot with a lid and set it to pressure cook cuts mode for 8 minutes.

  • Allow the Insta-Pot to release the pressure and open the lid when it’s safe.

  • With the immerse hand mixer blend everything until smooth. Add coconut milk and spices.

  • Garnish with chives, roasted pepitas ( pumpkin seeds ) or goat cheese.

    Note: If you like the soup to be more creamy, use less broth.

Store in the refrigerator for up to a week, if you use vegetable broth or freeze it.

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