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Crepe Pockets

Crepe Pockets

These crepe packets are filled with the delicious Strawberry Mascarpone filling and fresh strawberries. I avoid using artificial food coloring, so to make my batter pink I used beet juice. Beet juice is naturally sweet and it will slightly sweeten the batter.

Making crepes is the easiest thing ever. You don’t need a special pan and you can mix batter by hand. 

Crepes are very popular in Poland and we make them with sweet and savory fillings. 

This recipe makes about 12 crepes

 For the crepe packets :

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup milk

  • 1 cup water

  • 3 Tbl beet juice

  • 1 Tbl honey ( optional )

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • pinch of salt

  • 1 1/2 cup flour

  • 1 Tbl canola oil

    1.Place eggs, milk, water, beet juice, honey, vanilla and salt in a blender. Mix just for a few seconds to combine. Add flour and mix until batter is smooth, just 5- 10 seconds. Let the batter relax for at least half an hour. *If you don’t have a blender you can use hand mixer or whisk.

    2.Heat a 8-inch non-stick skillet over medium heat. When the skillet is hot, brush with oil. (if your skillet is bigger it will work also, you will have less crepes)

    3.Pour about 1/4 cup batter in the center of the skillet. Tilt the skillet to spread the batter evenly until it covers the bottom of the skillet. When the edge begins to brown and peels off easily, flip the crape with a spatula, the same way you would flip a pancake.

    4.Continue cooking for 10 seconds. Adjust the time if needed.  ( it will depend on your pan and heat you are applying)

    5.Place the cooked crepes on a plate. When you are finished it’s time to fill them. If you are planning on filling them later, cover them with aluminum foil to keep them from drying out and to keep them warm.

Strawberry Mascarpone Filling:

  • 3 cups strawberries

  • 1/2 cup mascarpone cheese

  • 1 tsp honey or other sweetener (optional) - it will depend on strawberries and your taste. If you would like your crepes to be more sweet add more honey or maple syrup.

Place 1 cup strawberries, mascarpone cheese and honey in a small blender. Blend for 10 seconds . Chop another 2 cups of strawberries and mix with cheese mixture. 

*If you don’t have a blender chop 3 cups strawberries and mix them with cheese and honey by hand. 

To make crepe pockets place about 2 Tbl filling in the center of each crepe, pull the sides up, folding them and creating pockets. Tie with orange peel strips.

Baked Doughnuts

Baked Doughnuts

Orange Cranberry Heart Blossoms

Orange Cranberry Heart Blossoms